14.5 Denoising Autoencoders

Denoising autoencoder (DAE) is an autoencoder that receives a corrupted data point as input and is trained to predict the original, uncorrupted data point as its output.


Learns reconstruction distribution \(p_{reconstruct}(x|\hat{x})\) by

  1. Sample x from training data
  2. Sample a corrupted version \(\hat{x}\) from \(C(\hat{x}|x = x)\)
  3. Use \((x|\hat{x})\) as training example for estimating the autoencoder reconstruction distribution p_{reconstruct}(x|hat{x}) which is equal to \(p_{decoder}(x|h)\). (h: the output of encoder \(f(\hat{x})\). decoder: g(h))

We can view the DAE as performing statistic gradient descent on the following expectation:

\[-E_{x \sim \hat{p}_{data}(x)}E_{\hat{x}\ \sim C(\hat{x}|x)}log P_{decoder}(x|h=f(\hat{x}))\]

Where \(\hat{p}_{data}(x)\) is the training distribution

Score matching: encourage the model to have the same score as the data distribution at every training point x. In this context, the score is

\[\nabla_x log P(x)\]

Learning the gradient field of \(logP_{data}(x)\) is one way to learn the structure of \(P_{data}\) itself.

Important property of DAE: conditionally Gaussian p(x | h) makes the autoencoder learn a vector field (g(f(x)) - x) that estimate the score of the data distribution.


Training with squared error criterion

\[||g(f(\hat{x})) -x||^2\]

and corruption:

\[c(\hat{x}|x) = \mathcal{N}(\mu=x, \Sigma = \sigma^2 I)\]

A generic encoder-decoder architecture may be made to estimate the score.
